Understanding Effective Anger

Anger is a universal emotion, meaning it comes up for all of us from time to time. We experience anger when: If you have ever been around anyone (maybe even yourself!) who goes from 0 to 100 on the anger scale in a matter of seconds, you know that how you handle and express anger…

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Radical Acceptance: What It Is and Why Using It Can Help, Part I

Radical acceptance is a complete acceptance of reality. By complete, I mean with your mind, heart, and soul to eliminate suffering and leave only the pain. That may seem a little “woo-woo,” but hear me out. There are practical ways to utilize radical acceptance to help you make actual changes in your life. Below are…

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What’s the point of using coping skills anyway?

Utilizing skills in the moment may not be as pleasurable as doing that ineffective behavior to get rid of the pain, so what’s the point? The skills can be hard to use, and it can feel so much easier to do what we habitually do. Even our bodies are against us; our physiology actually wants…

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Signs of Spiritual Abuse—Part Two

To read the first part of this series, click here. Minimizing, Denying, and Blaming This can come in many forms, including spiritual bypass, denying, or minimizing an authentic emotional or behavioral experience. Members may state things like “Everything happens for a reason.” Or “the lord works in mysterious ways.” Or “Let go and let God.”…

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Signs of Spiritual Abuse—Part One

Since I began doing DBT therapy and seeing more clients who have had difficult childhoods, I noticed a theme. As we started peeling back the layers, some seemed to have a history of religious trauma. When I listened to their stories, I was shocked to see a history of suffering coming from core beliefs instilled…

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Getting What You Actually Want from your Partner— Part Three: “MAN”, how to increase the likelihood of getting our request met with three more easy steps

This is part three of the series, “Getting what you Actually Want from your Partner”. To read part one, start here. To read part two, click here. Now that we have our priorities set and most of our script completed with “DEAR“, it is time to complete  M is for being Mindful Being mindful is…

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